SCS PAC Art Contest!


SCS PAC is running its first ever Art Contest! We would love to see your student's take on our theme: Sherwood Charter School, with art related to SCS, H.E.A.R.T. Skills, distance learning, etc.

The Art Contest is open to all SCS students. There will be a winner in each age category: K-2, 3-5, and Middle School. Each winning design will be printed onto a vinyl sticker that will be given out to all students in their age category!

To make a submission: If you have a printer, please use the submission form found here. If you don't have a printer, please make your drawing on a clean, white sheet of paper within a 5" by 5" square with your name and grade written on the top. For either method, submit a clean scan or pic to on or before November 19th.

Would your child like to help us judge the contest? Our own art instructor, Ms. Knee, is looking for student judges! Please email us if your child is interested.

Winners will be announced on our social media (including here, on our website) and the hope is to be able to get our stickers in time for the designated materials pick-up day in December!

Questions? Email us at

Good luck! We're looking forward to seeing your amazing designs!
