SCS Library

Visit the LIBRARY WEBSITE here!

About Our Library

Our school library has been open since November 2014. We have over 3,500 books in the library with a good selection of fiction and non-fiction for all age levels. SCS students are able to visit the library on a regular basis with their class or with permission from their teacher. The middle school students can come to the library twice a week during lunch period. All the library books are cataloged in a database and staff have the ability to look up books for students and teachers based on title/author/subject matter. We are thrilled to have our library up and running and allowing students and staff to make use of it!

Student Use

Students in grades K-1st are able to check out one book at a time from the library. Students in grades 2nd-8th can check out up to three books at a time. Books are checked out for two weeks, but there are no overdue fees. We ask students to renew their books or return the books in a timely manner in order for others to enjoy them as well. Reminders are sent out every month or so in order to help students remember to bring them back to the library.

Lost/Damaged Books

If books are lost or damaged, we ask that families pay for the book so the library can replace it or you can find a copy of the identical book and bring it to the library for replacement.


Books can be donated to the library at anytime by placing them in the donation box in the library under the big table.

Volunteer Opportunities

The library is generally open twice a week and is staffed by parent volunteers. Volunteers are also needed to help reshelve books and label new books as they are added to our library. This is a great way to get involved whether you’re able to come and work at school or need to do home projects!
