PAC Officers

PAC Officers

PAC Chair – Hadar Ferris

As Chair, Hadar oversees the business and affairs of the PAC and coordinates PAC activities with other Officers, special committees/chairpersons, and the Director of Sherwood Charter School. She sets the agenda and presides over all regular and special meetings. 

Hadar has been part of the SCS community for 7 years and has 3 children at SCS.
  In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and 3 boys, tending to her outdoor cottage-hopeful garden, sewing, baking, and finding new creative outlets.

PAC Co-Chair – Jennifer Kellam


As Co-Chair, Jennifer is responsible to perform the duties of Chairperson in his/her absence or inability to serve.

She has been part of the SCS community for 2 years. In her free time, Jennifer likes to spend time with her three children and husband. Jenn has one son and two daughters. Her son attends Sherwood High as a junior, and she will have two children at SCS, a third grader and kinder! When not working full time, she loves to spend time with her family, traveling, hiking, and any moments of quality time they can get together. She is a momma of a rower, dancers, and horse lovers. She is so excited to be a part of the PAC this year, and wants to make a difference with her co-chair, Hadar!

Secretary- Kimberly Felton

As secretary, Kimberly takes meeting minutes and is in charge of document control. 

She has been part of the SCS community for 6 years. 

Co-Secretary - Korrin Fyall

As Co-Secretary, Korrin takes meeting minutes in the absence of the Secretary.


Korrin has been part of the SCS community for 5 years and has two children at SCS and two more on their way there.

Treasurer - Heather Vergason

As Treasurer, Heather is responsible for all monies of the PAC. She receives and gives receipts for monies due and payable to the PAC and makes deposits in the PAC bank account in accordance with the provisions of the PAC Bylaws. She also keeps record of receipts and expenditures and pays out funds as authorized by the PAC.

 Assistant Treasurer - Roxie Anderson

As assistant treasurer, Roxie assists the treasurer in executing all responsibilities of the treasurer. 

Roxie has been part of the SCS community for 12 years and has 2 children at SCS.


  1. Patrick this website is looking awesome! Thank you so much.


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