Weekly Newsletter 9/14/23

PAC Weekly News

(Parent Advisory Committee)

September 14, 2023




Bottle Drop Fundraiser:

Drop off your unused cans and bottles! 

When: September 21 (Thursday) 3:30-4:30p.m.

Where: Public Parking Lot off Main St. at the Railroad Tracks. 


Our Assistant Treasurer, Roxie, will be there collecting the bags. This fundraiser helps provide funds for PAC community events. 



Volunteer Opportunities:

Please check out all the volunteer opportunities we have available. Also, find a more detailed view here.


PAC: Who we are:

We are the Parent Advisory Committee and you are automatically part of the PAC as a parent or guardian of a current SCS student. We are an independent, non-profit organization, representing the students and families of SCS. We coordinate community activities, fundraising opportunities, and provide funds and support for our amazing school.


Be a part of our family of volunteers. Check out our Website for open opportunities. 


When you find an opportunity that fits, email us at sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.comand we’ll be there to help and support you. 


PAC Newsletter Sign UP:

We have a new way to stay up to date with our PAC Newsletter. To receive a monthly newsletter straight to your inbox every month, sign up on our website or with the QR code provided. It’s a great way to read the latest news as those papers sent home sometimes get lost in the shuffle.


PAC Meeting September 20, 6p.m.:

This is our first meeting of the school year. We will be in the cafeteria/gym. Come vote on the Treasurer position, listen to the latest PAC news and updates, ask questions and offer your input. 

Fun Fact: All parents and guardians are voting members of the PAC!

Click Here for SCS Library News:

Visit our Website: tinyurl.com/scspac

Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram

Email us: sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com


Upcoming Dates:

PAC Meeting: September 20, 6p.m.

Bottle Drop Fundraiser: September 21, 3:30-4:30p.m.
