PAC General Meeting Minutes - May 1, 2024

Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Korrin Fyall (co-secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer), Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)

Parents in attendance: Kryste Sturm, Jen Crosby

Hadar called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. 

Approval of minutes from 4/3/24: Hadar motioned to approve minutes. Heather seconded. Minutes approved.

Ms. Raboli has met with Sherwood Friends Church, which is open to the school installing a large play structure. Hoping to move ahead with the project.

Parent Hadar Ferris mentioned an altercation that happened this afternoon at the bottom of the driveway & Main St. An adult driving out of the school yelled at a mom whose young child had crossed. Hadar asked about crossing guards at that location. Ms. Raboli said that crossing guards would be helpful both there and at the Main & Sunset intersection; proposed that PAC might help find volunteers. The PAC board later discussed this option. PAC serves events; a crossing guard position would need to report to the school office. So though PAC can promote the need, board members agree that volunteers would need to report to the office. 

Chase account: $14,237.23
BottleDrop: $652.13
PayPal: $2,590.80 


Al’s Spring Baskets update: Successful fundraiser! Approximately $800 net profit for new SCS garden. Hope to have the Garden Reveal at the Meet-and-Greet in August.

Korrin suggested that PAC promote a list of items in the PAC newsletter that people can donate; encourage them to bring donations to end-of-year picnic.

SCS Board Positions: Opening soon to public: Chair, co-chair, secretary, treasurer

Dining Night Out: Panera Bread (Sherwood) on 4/16 made $22.30. Consider dropping Panera from DNO list – evenings at Panera usually are not successful. 

No restaurant is planned for May DNO. Kryste Sturm will talk with someone she knows who works at Menchie’s. May 21st is the K/1st music; Menchie’s donates percentage of proceeds from SCS families to SCS on choir/band nights.

Teacher/staff luncheon updates: $360+ donated for the Chipotle lunch. K/1st in May: Korrin Fyall, Kryste Sturm, Jen Kallam coordinating.

Middle School dance: May 9. Hadar created a volunteer sign-up, which Miss Ellise sent out. Roxie will DJ.

Scholastic Book Fair: May 13-16. Volunteers needed; Jen Crosby created a Sign-up Genius that will be promoted in PAC newsletter. 

8th Grade Graduation: June 5. 7th grade families sponsor the graduation reception: Photo back-drop (in Roxie’s garage). School buys cake; parents volunteer to serve. PAC provides drinks. Box of graduation supplies in PAC supply shelves. Volunteer sign-up to go into PAC newsletter.

SCS church appreciation: May 19, 9am. School sets up table with doughnuts & drinks, and a thank-you message from SCS. School cleans up afterward. Volunteers already signed up to handle this (Tiffany Kelly and Victoria Lister).

End of Year Picnic: Food from Costco last year: water, Caprison/juice boxes, cheese sticks, individual bags of chips, cuties, fruit snacks, Oreos & Rice Krispie treats. $500 budget. Snyder Park shelter not available. Roxie calling city to check on options. 

Teacher Appreciation: Jen Crosby showed giant cards the students signed. Students filled out surveys about teachers. Spotlight on 5 teachers/staff each school morning. Treats in office for teachers & staff:

Mon: muffins & juice
Tues: measuring cups
Wed: charcuterie board
Thurs: oven mitt & cookie dough
$50 gift card from their store of choice 


May 3: Staff/Teacher Luncheon
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 13-16: Scholastic Book Fair
June 6: End-of-year picnic

Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.


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