Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PAC Meeting: Wednesday, March 12 at 6pm

Hello everyone! 

Join us for our PAC Meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at 6 pm in the SCS Gym, or join us via Zoom.

Here's a link to the agenda for the meeting, which will include going over the Read-a-thon results. (Spoiler alert: we handedly surpassed our goal! Thanks to everyone who has donated!)

Here's a link to February's meeting minutes, so you can be caught up to speed.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

SCS PAC Read-a-thon 2025: Feb 27-Mar 5

The Read-a-thon is a fun event to not only celebrate the joy of reading, but to also raise all the funds that our school library depends on.

Did you know:

  • The SCS Library is 100% funded by donations?
  • The SCS Library is 100% managed & staffed by parent volunteers?
  • The SCS Library expenses total over $3000 per year?
  • The cost to license the library management software required by the district is over $1000 per year!
  • The SCS Library also sponsors and runs the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) for our school, which is a fun inter-school reading competition for grades 3-8?

Access to school libraries is positively correlated to student academic success.
Our fundraising goal is $3200. If every student raised only $15, we would meet our goal!

How the Read-a-thon works:

  1. Pledges: Students ask friends and family for pledged donations per minute read. (We suggest anywhere from 5¢-25¢ per minute spent reading.) We’ll gratefully accept flat donations as well. Donors can donate via our Google Donor Form at (You will need your student's Reader Number.)
  2. Read: Students read every day from February 27th-March 5th. Log their minutes read every day via our Google Reading Log Form.
  3. Prizes:
    Read 150 Minutes: Official Mission Control Button
    Most Minutes Read (each grade): $10 Scholastic Dollars for the Book Fair
    Most Funds Raised (each grade): $10 Scholastic Dollars for the Book Fair
    Most Minutes Read (whole school): $20 extra Scholastic Dollars
    Most Funds Raised (whole school): $20 extra Scholastic Dollars
    If we reach our fundraising goal of $3200: The Class (K-5) & House (Middle School) that raised the most money will get a pizza party!

    Donors who have pledged will be emailed with their total and a way to conveniently pay online. Every cent from this fundraiser goes into our library budget!


Q: Help! I can't find my child's Reader Number.
A: Your child's Reader Number is on the flier and the bookmark that was sent home with them. If you still can't find it, email us at and we will help you. In your email, let us know if you have already used it to log minutes online.

Q: Do we have to keep track of pledges?
A: Not if your donors have already used the Google Donor Form. We will contact them at the end of the Read-a-thon and collect payment online.

Q: Where do I turn in my child's reading log?
A: You don't turn in a paper log. Instead, use the online Google Reading Log Form to log their reading minutes.

Q: How will we know who has donated for our child?
A: You will be given a summary of donors at the end of the event, unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous.

Q: I still have questions.
A: Please email us at

Social Media Graphics:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Monthly General PAC Meeting, February 12th from 6-7:30 pm at SCS

We are having our month PAC meeting on Wednesday, February 12th from 6-8 pm at SCS. If the NJHS induction ceremony is still happening at 6 pm, we will wait until that has concluded.

Agenda Items include the Family Dance, the Read-a-thon, and other upcoming PAC events. Find the agenda here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

PAC Meeting: Wed, January 8th at 6 pm

Hello SCS Families!

Our monthly PAC meeting is tonight at 6 pm in the SCS Gym. Also find us via Zoom at this link below: 

Find the link to the agenda here.

See you there!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

PAC Meeting: December 4th at 6 pm! Zoom link included.

Hello everyone! Tonight we'll be having our December PAC meeting at 6 pm in the SCS Gym.

Here's our General Meeting Agenda.

If you can't attend in person, feel free to join us via Zoom. Click here to launch the meeting.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Monthly PAC General Meeting: Nov 13th at 6 pm

 We hope you join us for the monthly PAC meeting! Click here to see the agenda. We will meet in person at the SCS Gym at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 13th at 6 pm. If you can't join us in person, you can try joining us online via this link:

Roxie Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PAC General Meeting
Time: Nov 13, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 799 2532 2752
Passcode: 775411

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• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 799 2532 2752
Passcode: 775411
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Thursday, October 24, 2024

SCS PAC Pumpkin Carving Contest

 Attention all ghosts, goblins, and SCS students:

The SCS PAC is hosting a Pumpkin Carving Contest! Starting on October 28th, share with us your pictures of your jack-o-lanterns and we will have our Awesome Judges vote for the best pumpkin in three age brackets: Kindergarten-2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade, and Middle School. We will take submissions between October 28th and November 4th, 2024!


1. The student physically carves the pumpkin themselves, OR

2. The student independently creates the design, and an adult carves their design.

Submit with picture (just the pumpkin!), name, and grade. Prizes for K-2, 3-5, and Middle School!

Submit to:

Featured post

SCS PAC Read-a-thon 2025: Feb 27-Mar 5

The Read-a-thon is a fun event to not only celebrate the joy of reading, but to also raise all the funds that our school library depends on....