Tuesday, October 27, 2020

PAC Pumpkin Carving Contest!


The PAC is throwing a Pumpkin Carving Contest! We want to see your kids' awesome pumpkin carvings! You can submit by emailing a picture to sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com with your child's name and grade. The deadline for submission in Friday night (Oct 30). The prize is a $20 gift card to Handel's Ice Cream! We will announce the winner this Saturday (Oct 31). Have fun!

Monday, October 19, 2020

PAC Meeting Minutes Oct 8th, 2020


Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee

PAC Meeting – Oct. 8 2020 6:30pm


Location: Sherwood Charter School 

23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140

Board Members in attendance: Roxie Anderson, Jen Crosby 2

Parents in attendance: (3)Tara Garcia, Kathie Boedien, Lindsey Chruella

Staff in attendance: (2)Joy Rabolli, Nora Stuckey

CALL TO ORDER- 6:33 pm by Roxie Anderson

Jen Crosby- taking minutes

Roxie- Welcome and intro. Read Mission and heart skills

Joy Raboli- (Principal Corner) Mrs. Raboli has been popping in and out of class streams and all is going well. The school is asking to get help from the parents and PAC to give positive reviews on websites that rate schools, to serve as positive advertising. Websites such as. https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-schools/  https://www.schooldigger.com/   

The school waiting list has been diminished quickly but the school is still getting phone calls and inquiries. The office staff is working on a virtual tour for interested families and new students. The school typically has a waiting list of 70 but due to Covid it is much lower.

Talking about the school and positive comments on social media are also helpful to get the word out about our school.

Nora Stuckey- (Teacher Liaison report) Teachers and staff doing great, preparing for conferences coming up in November. Roxie Anderson thanked the teachers and staff for their efforts in distance learning. Jen Crosby asked how can we show appreciation to the teachers in a way that is allowed by the school and would be appreciated by the teachers since we can’t do typical luncheons and gifts? Gift cards to restaurants were mentioned as a good replacement for our monthly luncheons.

Roxie Anderson- (agenda items)

Teacher luncheons- Continued discussion about a money collection for gift cards instead of a monthly class hosted teacher luncheons. 

New family and class integration- Is there a way the PAC can help with integration especially of new families. Tara mentioned using class Facebook groups. Joy Raboli- some Facebook posts get negative about the school or classes and suggested finding something else. In Nov. the school will have a new parent/ family meeting and would like the PAC to be part of it.

Approval of previous minutes- Jen Crosby motioned to approve minutes from Sept. 10th  minutes, Tara seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report- Roxie- Bank account has been transferred to the new Board Member’s names. Zell and Venmo or other means of digital payments are being looked into. Venmo is a NO GO because they do not support non-profits specifically school PTOs. Looking further into zell. 

Kona ice fundraiser made $65

Current account balance 11,215.73


Wreaths- Order forms were sent home in the supply pick up bags. Wreath info is on the PAC website along with a digital format of the order form to share online and social media. Paypal is accepted for online ordering and also checks. How can we collect checks safely? Further discussion on this within the committee will be needed. Due date for orders Nov. 5th

Dining Out- Chipotle fundraiser is all online and can be sent out to family and friends anywhere not just a local fundraiser. Papa Murphy vouchers were discussed as well Tara Garcia will look into both.

Spirit Wear- New Products have been suggested by a Parent Julie, Water bottles, canvas tote bags, small packs all with the school logo. Discussion about not being able to make the minimum order, suggestion to buy some for teacher or committee appreciation.  Roxie has looked into ordering face masks with the school logo. This would not be a fundraiser but a service. If the minimum order was met price per mask is around 5.00. Would be good advertising for the school.  Joy Raboli approved the use of the masks with logo at the school. She has not yet considered what type of masks will be allowed as part of the school uniform when we go back in person. Lindsey Churella has a connection with a local business that also makes masks with a logo on it. She is looking into prices for us.

Stickers- 250 stickers can be made for around $60 with a design or logo. Roxie suggested a contest to design a sticker that everyone will receive from the PAC. The winner of the contest will have their design used as the sticker for the school.

Teacher and staff appreciation

  1. Monthly (i.e. Lunches) per class?

  2. Annual- split up in 2x’s  One appreciation event in Nov. and one at traditional time in MAy

Scholastic Bookfair

Tiffany received an email from scholastic about the options offered. Virtual bookfair, online ordering, or drive through. Discussed which would be best for our school. Probably the online ordering bookfair.

No other new business was brought up

Roxie motioned to end the meeting at 7:22

Next PAC General Meeting on (Nov. 5 2020, 6:30pm) 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

PAC Wreath Fundraiser


Our Biggest Fundraiser of the Year!

Help spread holiday cheer while raising money for the PAC. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we use the funds for all of our activities, including Teacher/Staff Appreciation, School Family Community Events, and operating expenses.  Our beautiful winter arrangements are made by the local farm, Farmington Gardens.  

  1. Buy a wreath yourself
  2. Sell a wreath to your family and friends
  3. Contact local businesses to place an order
We will begin wreath sales in October (yeah, I know, can't we even get past Halloween anymore?!). We've learned that businesses are a great way to get large orders, but they place their orders EARLY.

More details will be available as we get closer to October, so check back soon if you want to get involved.

This post below has all the information regarding the 2021 PAC Wreath Fundraiser!

Order forms have gone home in the backpacks from the school on October 7th. If you are missing or lost your order form, prefer a color file, or want to go digital, here is where you can find the file

Do you like the image with this post? Download it here and use it in your social media! It's handy as a quick visual, although of course we should offer the additional information from the order form to those who'd like to buy. Please make checks payable to "Sherwood Charter School PAC."

The order forms are due by November 4th. (Pro Tip: Take a quick picture of your order form before you turn it in so you have a digital copy of your order form!) Please turn order forms and payments to the drop box outside the school office during school hours (M-F, 9 am-4 pm) or drop them off at Tara’s house (find her address in the PAC section of the Thursday Email) after school hours. This year, it is also possible to submit your order electronically if you don't have personal checks made out to the PAC that you need to turn in. Please email your order form to the PAC (sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com) and use PayPal to submit the full payment for all of the wreaths in your order (sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com). Wherever possible, include your name and contact information so we can keep everything straight.

Pick up wreaths from ___ on Saturday, 11/20 at SCS. If this time doesn’t work for you, please have a friend pick up for you or contact Tara at (email found in PAC section of Thursday Email) for a special arrangement.

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we use the funds for all of our activities, including Teacher/Staff Appreciation, school events (which we are transitioning to online this year), and operating expenses. If we have extra revenue above our expenses, we have traditionally used it to help the school with upgrades (i.e. safety upgrades) or wish list items. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Back to School Night 2020

Happy Back-to-School day! We will be having a Zoom "Open House" tonight that corresponds with the event from 6:30-7:45. Zoom details can be found at the bottom of the Thursday Email from the school, or on our Facebook group page. Please prioritize your children's teacher meetings before ours, as you can always reach us via email after the event. 

Also, don't forget about our Bottle & Can fundraiser THIS Friday and Saturday, and our Kona Ice event tomorrow night!

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