Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee - Committee Meeting

PAC Meeting – October 21, 2021


Location: Sherwood Charter School 

23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140

Board Members (officers) in attendance: Korrin Fyall (secretary), Tamara Potruch (chair), Ashley Weston (co-secretary), Daniel Standke (asst treasurer), Roxie Anderson (treasurer)

Committee Members in attendance: Tara (wreath fundraiser and dining out)

Parents in attendance: n/a

Staff in attendance: n/a

CALL TO ORDER- 6:32pm  

Daniel Standke motion to approve the Committee Meeting minutes from September 27, 2021 and Ashley Weston seconded.

Book Fair update

A little bit above $1,000 and it is almost double what we did online last year.  If the fair was in person it is 40% but the 25% is for online.  There has been an issue with the online book fair where books are going out of stock.  Tamara is wondering if we only get a certain number just like if we were in person. 

Tamara is following the school Mary Woodward that had an in person book fair to see what options we might have for future in person book fairs.  Tamara noted that this book fair encouraged the e-wallet and kids shopped during recess.  The other procedure was a parent only time and kid only time.

Summer Reading Program

They only had eight participants and we allocated $600 but the school did not end up using it.

Wreath Update

Due to the issues with getting the wreaths it is recommended we have Farmington Gardens deliver.  They can deliver the wreaths on Saturday, November 20th by 9am.  This will be a $60 delivery fee and the officers noted that this is considered a cost of the fundraiser and does not need to have an additional approval for the delivery fee. 

Tamara went over the notes Jen provided from her coordinating the wreaths last year.  Jen noted that during the pick up to let the parents helping know to wear gloves and to wear clothing you do not care about because sap will get on their clothing.  Also noted that it took a good solid hour to sort.  In addition, it is recommended to have the orders not fully alphabetized but to do so in groupings like “A-D”, “E-G”, etc.

Tamara updated the email to let parents know that we will accept PayPal, but that the order form still needs to be turned into the office.  PayPal sends confirmation emails to our PAC gmail account when we have received funds.  Roxie recommended making a folder in our email to drop all those confirmation emails into to make it easier to find the emails and tie to orders.  

Dining Out Update

For Mods we earned $118 and will take 4 to 6 weeks to receive the check.  This next Thursday is Panera can order online anytime during the day and in person is 4pm to 8pm.  November will be Red Robin and December Chipotle

School Board Meeting Update

Tamara attended the last school board meeting and provided the following update.

  • Approved the budget to add an Aid to help Kindergarten and 1st grade.  It would only be temporary this year. 

  • Added 10 new students this month.  

  • Had a new tent which is being rented for $200 a month and had an additional $800 set up fee.

  • The carline app is only available on Apple so the school had to purchase Apple minis for the staff that did not already have an Apple phone.

  • State testing results were a throw away and it is so skewed because for example only one 5th grader did the testing.

  • Ms. Raboli noted that the students are doing well in English, reading and writing but are the most behind in math due to the distance learning and loss of school time due to COVID-19.

  • Tamara was surprised to learn that the school has their own teachers appreciation fund that they have been already dipping into like us to do more appreciation during the year.

Spirit Wear Update

We have a coordinator and we have been set up with our vendor from last year.  They are no longer local and now there are going to be shipping costs.  We assume the overall costs will be higher due to COVID.

Krista wanted us to reach out to get the 8th grade sweatshirts started.    

Tamara said there is no purchase minimum and was wondering if we really wanted to keep a back stock.  Roxie pointed out that was something we tried right before COVID and did not go over that well.  We traditionally only order what was needed/ordered by parents.  Fill as needed.  In previous years the order was always held to meet minimums but now we do not need to do this but larger orders will have cost reduction.

Lambi (she has a first grader) is the coordinator for this year.

Candy Buy-Back

Wilson Ortho is doing the Candy Buy Back program.  We got the posters out and the school is posting up.  Tamara has a cute monster feed box for the candy to have the kids participate more.  She asked the school if we could have one set up during carline, but the idea was not approved by the school as there is too much going on to get the kids in the classrooms on time.  Roxie had the idea to have it near the gym might be an idea since all the kids have gym during the week. She also suggested it could be combined with the Bottle Can Drive. 

Bottle Can Drives

Bottle Drop is running a holiday promotion that increases the amount we received for those bottles and cans turned in between November 15th and December 1st.  Roxie is trying to get a Bottle Can Drive right before so that she can turn in during this time frame.  Discussed if doing it on campus on Friday or a school day would be better.  If a school day has to be off-sight.  Roxie has used her house in the past.  One suggestion was on a Thursday and do it in the Park and Ride Parking Lot.  But Roxie would only have an hour window, but with her house it could be out all day.  Tara suggested having a collection also during the Wreath pick up. We all agreed that Roxie should do what is easiest for her.

Reader Board

Tamara wants to determine what we are going to approve or take to vote for the reader board.  It was discussed and the consensus was that we do not have a strong idea of where to mount the electronic reader and the reader could only last a short time.  Overall the A-frame we have is more flexible and only needs the board replaced.  This cost is under the amount that needs to go to vote.  Discussed if we should get new letters but determined the current letters are fine.  We decided to purchase the new board for our reader board at the $80 cost.  

Teacher Luncheon

Hosting it is grade 6th through 8th.  This will be their first staff meeting of the year.  Ashley will be the parent collecting and purchasing the gift cards.  Roxie and Korrin gave Ashley pointers on when they previously were the parent in charge of this event.  Tamara noted that it is on Friday, November 5th and that there are 20 staff members.  Roxie noted that she should work with Mrs. Peterka to get out the emails to teachers.  Ashley was thinking of doing just FatMilo gift cards.  Then it was discussed that we could just have the staff order their lunches knowing they each had say a $20 limit and then the parent will directly pay FatMilo.  Ashley will contact FatMilo to see what plan will work the best. .

Trash Pick Up

Daniel Standke said that he and his family picked up the trash this week and there was a lot of trash.  A lot of food under the tables and that families need to know to bring their own bags and gloves and possibly tongs.  Daniel also noted that the Sign-Up Genius did not send out a reminder so we need to check the settings to ensure it does in the future.  Daniel said the trash was mostly in the tent and island/playground area.  

The officer and committee members noted that this seems to be a lot more than what we were originally asked to do.  Korrin asked why the janitorial staff was not taking care of the outside tent section.  That it is not great to have food sitting around on the ground until Thursday, that it can attract vermin and insects.  Also her daughter has noted it smells inside.  Tamara said she would mention this to the school and get better clarification on what is expected.   We all felt this was pushing the parent volunteering further than necessary.

Treasurer Report

  • Checking has 13,287 in Chase.  

  • Library fund has $3,544.

  • Bottle Drop account has $593.10.  Roxie plans to have a check issued and deposited soon.

  • QuickBooks was approved for $12.00 a month per the budget. Roxie found out that this was a promotional rate and now we are being charged $25.00 a month.  This is going to double our cost to increase our budget by about $156 dollars.  We will need to bring this up at the next general meeting and approve staying with online Quickbooks at this higher rate.  Was some discussion about maybe doing just the stand alone version but the flexibility of the online is what sold us originally.  

  • Tamara wants us to figure out how much of the $593.10 of the Bottle Drop account is from collections prior to June 30, 2021 so we can have a clear picture of how much this fundraiser earns us during the 2021-2022 year.

  • Discussed when the new Chair can get on the checking account and Roxie is going to contact Chase to determine if the annual report update is visible so we can add Tamara to the account.


Campus Clean-Up Thursdays, 4:00pm

Scholastic Book Fair (online only) October 10th to 23rd 

Wreath Fundraiser October 7th to November 4th

Pumpkin Carving Contest October 25th to 31st

Dining Night Out - Panera Bread October 28

Wilson Orthodontics Candy Buy-Back Due November 13, 2021

Next PAC General Meeting on (date and time) - November 4th at 6:30pm via Zoom

Next PAC Committee Meeting on (date and time) November 18th at 6:30pm via Zoom

Tamara adjourned this meeting at 7:34pm.


Monday, October 11, 2021

Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee

PAC Meeting – October 7, 2021


Location: Sherwood Charter School 

23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140

Board Members in attendance: Korrin Fyall (secretary), Tamara Potruch (chair), Jen Crosb (co-chair),

Ashley Weston (co-secretary), Dan Standke (asst treasurer)

Parents in attendance: 5

Staff in attendance: Nora Stuckey

CALL TO ORDER- 6:32pm  

Board members in attendance introduced themselves.  Tamara gave an overview of our upcoming events

and noting due to COVID we are continuing to do remote fundraisers and events.

Tamara read PAC mission and HEART.

Principal’s Corner

Mrs. Raboli was unavailable to attend.

Staff Updates

Nora Stuckey thanked the PAC for the donation to be used to purchase more physical education

equipment.  She especially noted the long lines for the teether balls.  Thanks also for the tea gift the

PAC provided to the Teachers.  No other items to discuss at this time.

New Business & Announcements

Scholastic Book Fair

Jen Crosby discussed that the book fair will run online only from October 10th to October 23rd.  Online

allows for a larger selection, but we tend to make significantly less due to both the volume of traffic and

the percentage for Scholastic Dollars is less for online than in person. 

The book fair gives us Scholastic Dollars to help purchase books for the teachers’ libraries and school’s

main library.  We will not be doing a Teacher Wish List for this fair.   We plan to accrue enough

Scholastic dollars to buy the books hopefully by the end of the next book fair.  Jen noted that with the

online book fair there is free shipping for over $25 and the book fair goes the full two weeks.


Tara is running the wreaths fundraiser this year.  She was unable to attend tonight; therefore, Tamara

provided the update.


Wreath flyers went home in kids backpacks today.  The wreath pick up is November 20th between

10am and noon.  This is a great fundraiser for us and a great way to reach out to family and friends to

help out the school.  Jen Crosby asked if PayPal will not be an option this year.  She noted that currently

the flyer is only showing payment accepted if via check and/or cash.  Jen asked if families are interested

could we provide them with PayPal.  Jen asked Korrin Fyall if via the lunch order forms before the

Pandemic did we have different pricing to cover the fee.  It was noted that the fee is somewhere around 2.2%.  Jen noted that families were more than willing to pay for the convenience of paying online.  It was

discussed among several board members that with PayPal we will have to figure out the logistics to make

certain we know which payment goes with which order form.  Tamara closed the discussion by stating

we will inquire with Tara who is running the fundraiser for what would be best for her.  

Dine-Out Fundraisers

Tamara provided the update for Tara who is also managing this fundraiser.  The first one of the year was

at the end of September with MOD Pizza and it earned the PAC $118.  The next Dine-Out is with Panera

Bread on October 28th.  We still need to confirm if this is only for a window of time or if it is an all day


Bottle Drop Fundraiser

Tamara notes that the Bottle Drop fundraiser is great as it does not cost the families anything.  It has

proven to be a great fundraiser for the PAC.  You will find the blue bags with the stickers that identify

our non-profit at the office in a tub right outside the window.  When filled you can drop them off at any

Bottle Drop location just make sure to scan our sticker to have it count towards the PAC.  We will be

scheduling big drop offs but the dates have not been finalized.  We would like to have the ability to

combine it with the uniform closet being available.   

Jen clarified that Bottle Drop takes all plastic, bottles, and cans that can be mixed in one bag.  She notes

that too many bottles in one bag will cause the bags to rip and glass to break.  There is also a 20lbs

weight limit on the bags so doing all glass is not a great idea.  Mixing the glass between plastic and

cans is the best.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin carving contest will be extended to October 31st and each grade will have a winner and

with that grade winner getting a Scholastic book and the overall winner will get a $20 gift card at

mudpuddles.  We hope to have Mrs. Stucky judge again this year.

Spirit Wear 

Looking for a spirit wear coordinator.  The spirit wear fundraiser really does not make much in the way

of funds raised but helps with school spirit and getting the school's logo present.  Also the kids love them. 

The spirit wear are shirts, sweatshirts zip up and hoodies that are embroidered with the school name and

symbol.  They come in all the school approved colors.  

Tamara inquired of Board Members how often this was held in past years.  Jen and Korrin both

answered that it has been done several different ways.  Jen noted that in years past we had to meet

minimums to order but the printer they found last year did not have these minimums.  Also no online

ordering available for this printer we would need to collect orders and funds and submit.

Tamara noted that the future coordinator could look into online order options and/or develop their own

relationship with a new printer.  Korrin noted that we will have to remember when we change vendors

we have a set up fee.

Sidewalk/Reader Board Update

The cost of a new sidewalk/reader board ranges from $280 to $400.  We can also just fix ours for a

smaller fee.  Per Amazon we can get a Replacement Changeable Message Board that is Compatible with

the Swinging Sidewalk signs for $78.73 but the letters are not included. We only need to replace the letter

board because our frame is in good condition.  There is a company that sells the exact panel we need for

$102.49 which includes the panel and letters.  The letters if bought separately are $58.80.  It appears

the $102.49 is the best deal because it includes the board and letters itself.  Looked at a free standing

electric, but with our rain there are concerns about how well it will work.  Also the electric unit is smaller. 

Reviews said that because of the plexi glass on this unit the sun glares off it.  Other reader board options

need software and some are even mountable.  These are the items we have been considering.  The cost

ranges from $130 to $187 before electrical.  We would need to price out any electrical and mounting

work for some of the options.

Jen discussed the previously approved electronic reader board in the PAC meeting minutes from before

the Pandemic.  We ordered the item but the order got lost and then canceled all right at the beginning of

the Pandemic.  Jen is going to look into the previous research to provide us with more information. 

Korrin noted that since this was a reader board that was going to be mounted it had to be approved by

both the school and church so we would most likely have to seek reapproval.  Jen also noted that the

school did like it because they would have been able to use it as well.  It was updated via a remote.

Tamara also noted at the previous school board meeting that they are planning to update all the school's

signage and provide a more visible presence for the school. 

Korrin suggested that perhaps if we are going to spend $500 on this maybe get two of the

sidewalk/reader boards to have one at both drop off locations during car lines.

Tamara discussed not wanting to purchase electronics not knowing the longevity of it.  Also that fact

that this was not in our budget so we would have to consider reserves for the higher priced options. 

We will vote on it next time and everyone will give their proposal.

Campus Clean Up 

We are looking for families to help on Thursday to help pick up any litter that has blown because of the

kids eating lunches outside.  We need families to sign up for Thursday, 4:00pm.  We really need the

help.  Tamara and Jen’s families have both done it and find that it is mostly juice straws and other small

items.  It only took them 20 mins.  Thanks in advance for helping out.

Candy Buy-Back

Have not gotten all the details yet on Wilson Orthodontics Candy Buy-Back.  This fundraiser is where

kids turn into the office Halloween candy that they either do not like or want and if we reach a certain

pound limit Wilson Orthodontics gives the PAC funds. Prior years range from $100 to $150 dollars.


Campus Clean-Up Thursdays, 4:00pm

Scholastic Book Fair (online only) October 10th to 23rd 

Wreath Fundraiser October 7th to November 4th

Pumpkin Carving Contest October 25th to 31st

Dining Night Out - Panera Bread October 28

Wilson Orthodontics Candy Buy-Back TBD

Next PAC General Meeting on (date and time) - November 4th at 6:30pm via Zoom

Tamara adjourned this meeting at 7:20pm.


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