Did you know:
- The SCS Library is 100% funded by donations?
- The SCS Library is 100% managed & staffed by parent volunteers?
- The SCS Library expenses total over $3000 per year?
- The cost to license the library management software required by the district is over $1000 per year!
- The SCS Library also sponsors and runs the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) for our school, which is a fun inter-school reading competition for grades 3-8?
Access to school libraries is positively correlated to student academic success.
Our fundraising goal is $3200. If every student raised only $15, we would meet our goal!
How the Read-a-thon works:
- Pledges: Students ask friends and family for pledged donations per minute read. (We suggest anywhere from 5¢-25¢ per minute spent reading.) We’ll gratefully accept flat donations as well. Donors can donate via our Google Donor Form at bit.ly/readathon-donations (You will need your student's Reader Number.)
- Read: Students read every day from February 27th-March 5th. Log their minutes read every day via our Google Reading Log Form.
- Prizes:
Read 150 Minutes: Official Mission Control Button
Most Minutes Read (each grade): $10 Scholastic Dollars for the Book Fair
Most Funds Raised (each grade): $10 Scholastic Dollars for the Book Fair
Most Minutes Read (whole school): $20 extra Scholastic Dollars
Most Funds Raised (whole school): $20 extra Scholastic Dollars
If we reach our fundraising goal of $3200: The Class (K-5) & House (Middle School) that raised the most money will get a pizza party!
Donors who have pledged will be emailed with their total and a way to conveniently pay online. Every cent from this fundraiser goes into our library budget!
Q: Help! I can't find my child's Reader Number.
A: Your child's Reader Number is on the flier and the bookmark that was sent home with them. If you still can't find it, email us at sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com and we will help you. In your email, let us know if you have already used it to log minutes online.
Q: Do we have to keep track of pledges?
A: Not if your donors have already used the Google Donor Form. We will contact them at the end of the Read-a-thon and collect payment online.
Q: Where do I turn in my child's reading log?
A: You don't turn in a paper log. Instead, use the online Google Reading Log Form to log their reading minutes.
Q: How will we know who has donated for our child?
A: You will be given a summary of donors at the end of the event, unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous.
Q: I still have questions.
A: Please email us at sherwoodcharterpac@gmail.com.
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