PAC Meeting Minutes: 4-1-2021

Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee

PAC Meeting – 4/1/2021


Location: Sherwood Charter School 

23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140

ZOOM Meeting 6:30

Board Members in attendance: Roxie Anderson, Jennifer Crosby, Justin Seamons, 

Tamara Potruch 

Parents in attendance: None

Staff in attendance: None

CALL TO ORDER- Roxie Anderson called meeting to order at 6:40.  Welcome and Introductions were not needed as no parents attended.  PAC and Mission Statement were skipped as no new attendees.  

Approval of March 4th, 2021 Minutes: Justin approved minutes, Jen seconded the minutes.

Principal’s Corner with Ms. Raboli: Not present

Teacher’s Liaison Report: Not present

Treasurer Report: Justin gave balances.  Checking $16,695.71 Paypal $0 Bottle Drop $139.10

Justin will reconcile the month of March this weekend and will email a report when numbers are updated.

Old Business: 

See’s Candy A very successful fundraiser this year.  Total earnings: $423.90

Book Fair Jen wanted to confirm that no payment was necessary for the Scholastic   Book Fair due to it being all online.  We did a fourth of sales compared to last year.  Was hard to compare because in person book fairs bring more families to see the books as well as kids seeing the books and “toys”.  Need to confirm with Ms. Raboli if the Spring BOGO book fair can be in-person, although unlikely.  Participants at this meeting felt the next book fair should probably be still online because of logistics of hosting in-person.  Jen still needs to confirm if online can be BOGO.  

Balance of $1,600 in credits for scholastic money (use for teachers and library.)  $50 will expire in September 2021.  

Teacher Luncheon Korrin was not present to give updates on dollar totals and what gift cards were purchased.  

Read-a-thon Pledge Star Totals $3626.33 from PayPal.  Pledge Star fee still needs to be covered-$700  Read-a-thon will go into a different account, library account.  

New Business:

Teacher Appreciation Week Jen gave an update: May 3-7th, budget is $2000.  She would like to do something different than “normal” basket items.  She would like to do a “tree gift card”  Each ‘tree’ will have different gift cards, different amounts.  She is still brainstorming on how to include kids, but ⅓ of the school is CDL.  PAC will fund gift cards, $100 per teacher.  Need to include 3 long term substitutes.  18 staff, plus 3 long term.  It was agreed to increase the budget to include subs, additional $300.  Jen motioned, Roxie seconded and increase was approved.  

PAC Survey Will discuss the survey at the next meeting.

Treasurer Software Switch Justin believes Quickbooks is still the way to go.  We need to update our software and pay the monthly fee.  Same cost as other PTO finance software.  More people are going to know the name “Quickbooks”.  Justin will confirm the proposal at the next meeting.  June will be the deadline.  We still need to find a treasurer for next school PAC year. 

School Wish List-Gift from PAC Need to confirm the school’s needs at the end of the year.  Laminator might still be a request.  Estimated cost $1,000-$2,000

Next PAC General Meeting on (May 6th)

Next PAC Committee Meeting on (April 15)


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