General Meeting Minutes - Feb. 2, 2023

PAC General Meeting Minutes - 2.02.23


Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Ashley Weston (co-secretary)

Parents in attendance: Christy Reaney, Kryste Sturm

Staff in attendance: Nora Stuckey 


Tamara called meeting to order at 6:30pm. 

Approval of minutes from 1/05/23: Motion to approve by Kimberly Felton. Seconded by Dan Standke. Minutes approved.


Ms. Raboli absent; no update.

Updates from Mrs. Stuckey: No teacher updates. Teaching kids dances for the sock hop.

Treasurer report:

Current accounts --
  Paypal: $422.20
  BottleDrop: $592.40
  Chase: $16,192.14


Old Business updates – 

Teacher luncheon on Jan 6:  4th grade hosted; went very well. Catered by Panera. 3rd grade hosting on 2/3/22. 

Sock Hop Family Dance update: Jennifer Crosby & Shannon Burns organizing. French fries & soda fountain. Need volunteers for diner, setup, cleanup. Collecting kids’ socks for Sherwood Share Closet.

DNO Chipotle in Jan: earned $83; waiting for check.

Wilson Ortho candy buy-back: check arrived ($157)

Board appreciation (January): gift from PAC was a wooden serving board in the shape of Oregon.


New Business/Announcements –

PAC website update: New website up!

Read-a-thon: Feb 23 - March 9. Working on a new charting system.

Dr. Suess Read Across America: March 2

Spring auction class baskets: PAC supports class baskets. Baskets will be in the classrooms so kids see them and get excited about them. Office will circulate the baskets through the classrooms.

Teacher luncheon 2/3/23: 3rd grade sponsoring. Catered by Café Yumm.

March teacher luncheon: 2nd grade

DNO: Panda Express - 2/18/23

Family dance: February 16.

See’s Candy fundraiser: Need a coordinator.


Upcoming events –

DNO: 1/14 - Chipotle

Next PAC General Meeting: 3/2 

School Board Meeting: 2/15 - Roxie PAC Rep. 

Book Fair: 3/13-16 


Meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.
