PAC General Meeting - Sept. 20, 2023
Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Korrin Fyall (co-secretary), Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)
Parents in attendance: Kryste Sturm, Shannon Moorman-Burns, Heather Vergason
Staff in attendance: none
Hadar called meeting to order at 6:11pm.
Approval of minutes from 6/1/23: Kimberly motioned to approve June minutes; Roxie seconded. Motion passed.
STAFF UPDATES – No staff updates
TREASURER REPORT – from co-treasurer, Roxie Anderson
Chase: $15,836.78
Paypal: $0
Bottle Drop: $226.27
Sherwood Accounting sent email asking us to commit for the year. Fee for tax return is $450 ($50 less than we budgeted). All agree
to continue with Sherwood Accounting. Roxie will sign the engagement & pay half of the fee (remainder paid after taxes are filed).
End of Year Gift to SCS for spring 2023 (previous school year): School is interested in PAC purchasing a smart board or other digital
equipment for classrooms. The $1200 from PAC for the previous school year will not cover the purchase of that kind gift. Hadar suggests
rolling over $1200 from last school year, to combine with amount at end of 2023-2024.
Bottle Drop Fundraiser: Thursday, 9/21/23 (3:30-4:30pm).
DNO: Joe’s Burgers (9/28), MOD Pizza (10/26). Hadar checking on times for restaurant fundraisers.
PAC newsletter: Asking to have a graphic (with link) of the PAC newsletter at the bottom of the weekly school newsletter. Or a bubble
graphic within the school newsletter that links to the PAC newsletter.
Spirit Wear update: Kryste & Shannon handling spirit wear. Researching Dormers in Newberg. Considering adding pink, but needs to
be approved by office. Will order one pink sweatshirt, to check color. Order forms will go out after office approves colors. Screen printing
is significantly less expensive than embroidering. Timeline goal: Order forms out by 9/28; forms due by 10/12; delivery by 11/1.
8th grade sweatshirt – which emblem (fierce or gentle cougar)? House emblems on back.
Wreath/poinsettia Fundraiser update: Doing these fundraisers together. Fundraising price for poinsettia: $18; wreaths same as last year.
Deliver vouchers at wreath pickup. Orders due 11/14 for poinsettias. Wreath orders due 11/10. Sales for both begin 10/19.
Staff luncheons: Shannon & Sean handling first October luncheon. Office said staff appreciates luncheons (with themes).
Classroom representatives: goal is to have classroom reps give info to parents of classes.
Vote for new Treasurer position: Roxie nominates Heather Vergason. Kimberly seconds the nomination. Korrin moved to vote. Hadar
seconds the move to vote. Motion passes.
Sept 21: Bottle Drop Fundraiser (3:30-4:30pm)
Sept 28: DNO – Joe’s Burgers
Oct 4: PAC meeting (6:00pm)
Oct 6: Staff luncheon – middle school host
Oct. 9: Begin wreath/poinsettia sales
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
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