PAC General Meeting - Nov 8, 2023
Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jen Kellam (co-chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer), Roxie
Anderson (co-treasurer)
Parents in attendance: Charisse Rocchio, Tamra McVey, Elisa Graybell
Hadar called the meeting to order at 6:08pm.
Approval of minutes from 10/4/23: Heather motioned to approve minutes. Hadar seconded. Minutes approved.
Chase account: $16,841.91
BottleDrop: $415.66
PayPal: $2,172.36
Tax filing due November 15. Finished today.
We are signed up for the Holiday Give with BottleDrop. We get an extra 20% for bottle donations given during the holiday season. We will
host a bottle fundraiser on Nov 30.
School garden: Approved by Sherwood Friends Church, to be behind the portables. We can apply for grants as a non-profit. Will discuss
budget in the future. Would like to establish a garden committee, serving under PAC (for maintenance of garden). Possibly use
Eagle Scouts to plan, fundraise, and build the garden.
Wreath & poinsettia update: $3,790 grossed. Delivering Saturday, Nov 18th. Have extra poinsettia vouchers, wreaths & garlands.
Teacher/staff luncheon updates: Successful so far. Hearing good things from teachers. Next luncheon is Jan. 5 – 4th grade. Parent leads:
Tara Garcia, Kryste Sturm, Kimberly Felton
Mud Puddles Fundraiser: Nov 13-19. Muddle Puddles will donate 20% of profit to SCS when “Sherwood Charter School” is mentioned at sale.
Winter Festival Plans: Theme: 80s sneakers party, donating gently used sneakers. Need a coordinator. Elisa Graybell will make robot for
sneaker box; potentially paint a backdrop. Tentatively plan for a January date, and push Sock Hop Family Dance into March.
Printing for PAC: Home printer or Office Depot/library printing? Home printing not feasible long-term.
Candy Buyback: This is the last week for collecting candy.
Fundraising with purpose: With each fundraiser, communicate what event/cause the fundraiser is supporting.
PAC website: Full of great information; look there for answers about library, meeting agendas, spring baskets for garden, etc.
Concern raised by parent: How can we help kids who are going without lunch because they can’t afford food? Post info about Sherwood
Share Center on social media? Handout in backpacks with information for families?
Fundraising opportunity: Menchie’s willing to donate percentage of sales to SCS on band/choir nights.
Pumpkin carving contest winners: Nov 9
Mud Puddles shopping fundraiser: Nov 13-19
Poinsettia vouchers: Nov 16-23
Wreath delivery: Nov 18
PAC meeting: Dec 6
Winter community event: Jan TBD
Meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm.
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