PAC Board Meeting - Nov 8, 2023

Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jen Kellam (co-chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer), Roxie
Anderson (co-treasurer)

Hadar called the meeting to order at 7:22pm.

Approval of minutes from 10/4/23: Heather motioned to approve minutes. Hadar seconded. Minutes approved.


School garden: Discussed ways to have students involved, taking ownership. Students taking garden elective can interact with the garden
committee. Help the kids learn, “There is no failure; only feedback” (Dr. Wayne Dyer). Ms. Raboli supportive of garden.

Next SCS board meeting: Roxie Anderson will be PAC representative.

Boot scraper for Ms. Stuckey: Ms. Stuckey mentioned wanting one for entrance to gym. PAC will get it for her.

Pumpkin carving contest: Tanner Sturm, winner for middle school; Blake Maurice for K-2; Sydney Duncan for grades 3-5.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
