PAC General Meeting - Oct 20, 2023

Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jennifer Kellam (co-chair) , Korrin Fyall (co-secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer),
and Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)

Parents in attendance: Kryste Sturm, Shannon Moorman-Burns, Charisse Roccnio, Jen Crosby, & Tamra McVey

Principal in attendance: Joy Raboli

Staff in attendance: none

Hadar called meeting to order at 6:03pm.

Approval of minutes from 9/20/23: Hadar motioned to approve September minutes; Roxie seconded. Motion passed.

PRINCIPAL UPDATES – Ms. Raboli expressed her appreciation of everything PAC does, and wants parent volunteers in the school.
She said the school year has started smoothly and kids have relatively good behavior. The Fun Run went well, and the Harvest Festival is
coming up on Thursday, November 9. The school is looking to collaborate with the PAC on events like these. Ms. Raboli opened the floor
for questions. It was noted that the conferences were moved to the later dates this year of November 1st and 2nd. An inquiry about timing
of staff luncheons was made and discussed.

TREASURER REPORT – from co-treasurer, Roxie Anderson

Chase: $15,826.17

Paypal: $115.78

Bottle Drop: $409.36

No additional items to report.


Defining Role of Classroom Parent (AKA Classroom Representative): The classroom parent tends to be the parent(s) most involved with
the classroom on a regular basis. Originally the classroom parent handled social media page(s) (Facebook) for the class, to help keep class
parents informed about class needs and school/PAC events. The classroom parent is not an official position of the PAC, but was a role we
tried to help develop for parent involvement and to build community. We believe classes need a parent who helps communicate with
the teacher, parents and PAC for the class; a way to build more community for each class. Shannon suggested that “parent liaison” might
be a more appropriate title, since “classroom parent" tends to be used by teachers for the parent(s) most involved in their classes.

Weekly Emails: Discussion re: printing the PAC newsletter monthly (or a more general quarterly update) for insert into backpacks.
Important to reiterate PAC’s mission & role. Re: weekly digital emails, decided to include a clickable link in addition to the the QR
code in all digital communication to families. Discussed where to print and cost. PAC supplies and material budget is $120 annually.

Wreath and Poinsettia Update: Poinsettia portion of the fundraiser is ready to launch. Roxie will send Paypal transactions to Jen and
Kryste for them to confirm the orders and match payments. October 12th launch date; delivery date of November 18th. All orders
in by November 2nd. Flat $75 delivery charge.

Spirit Wear Update: Only a few order forms received so far. Hadar will hand off all order forms and money received to the coordinator
(Kryste). Roxie will provide Kryste with Paypal transactions. Distribution will be at the beginning of November.

Staff/Teachers Luncheon Updates: Per Shannon we have raised $65; she hopes to do Jimmy Johns for the main meal but will need more
funds for this to be possible. Lunch is 11:30-12:30 pm on Friday, October 20th. “Tailgate” themed luncheon.

Got Sneakers – We will collect gently used sneakers and we get a kickback based on quality, up to $7.00. Hadar will ask the office if we
can have the collection box out, and where. Jen Crosby noted that when we did the sock collection last year at the Sock Hop dance we
had a generous donation to give to the SHARE center. It was agreed that we will look for more opportunities to focus on collections of items
for both fundraising and community building purposes.

Sock Hop / Winter Dance - During the discussion on Got Sneakers it was mentioned by several members that they would like to see an
80’s themed dance for the dance we host this year.

Pumpkin Carving Contest: Three prizes will be awarded, broken down by Middle School (Target gift card), 3rd to 5th, and Kinder to 2nd (one
Mudpuddles gift card per group winner).

Wilson buyback Monster: Monsters will be out for candy donations the week of Halloween.

School Community Garden: Hadar talked with the church about creating a student garden; the Church would rather we rent a bed from
their garden. PAC would need to work with Joe Whitehead, the school board facility officer, to determine how this gets paid. We want
something bigger for the classes to use. Suggestion: Develop a gardening elective. There was discussion about the green house that was
contributed by parents years ago and where it was now and if this could be used for the community garden. Also noted that the Churches
biggest issue is probably anything that would be very permanent. Therefore raised beds, stepping stones and benches were suggested
which are all items that can be relatively easy to tear down when it is no longer needed. Also suggested that on Fridays we could have parents
who garden offer a gardening hour that families that are able can attend to help build the garden and learn new gardening skills.

Book Fair: Issue with Sign-up Genius: shows volunteer slots filled, but actually we need more volunteers. No lunchtime buying opportunities
this year for students. Students need to use an e-wallet to pay for the items because no other form of payment will be accepted during school
hours. The open hour after school on Mon-Thur will accept cash, check, card and e-wallet.

OBOB: Shannon Moorman-Burns, Jen Crosby and Emily Goodwin are running OBOB for the school with Ms. Raboli and Ms. Ilis sponsoring.
The school library has one copy of all the books and both Newberg and Sherwood public libraries have copies of the books. They will need
co-captains for our school teams. There are school, regional and then state competitions.


Oct. 12: Spirit Wear Orders Due (including 8th grade sweatshirts)

Oct. 12: Wreath/Poinsettia Sales begin (forms go home in backpacks)

Oct. 16-19: Scholastic Book Fair

Oct. 20: Staff luncheon – middle school host

Oct. 26: DNO - MOD Pizza

Oct. 23-31: Pumpkin Carving Contest

Nov. 8: PAC General/Board Meeting 6:00 pm SCS Gym

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.
