PAC General Meeting - Oct 20, 2023
Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jennifer Kellam (co-chair), Korrin Fyall (co-secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer),
and Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)
Hadar called meeting to order at 7:50pm.
Approval of minutes from 6/1/23: Hadar motioned to approve June minutes; Roxie seconded. Motion passed with one abstain.
Approval of minutes from 9/20/23: Hadar motion to approve September minutes; Jennifer seconded. Motion passed.
Redefining the role of the PAC: Greater detail is in general meeting minutes. Overall consensus: we want to focus on community building.
Our role is to build our school family, to help connect families. To that end:
* Our wreath (fall) fundraiser and the read-a-thon fund operating costs for PAC and the library.
* Our other fundraisers request donations of bottles, shoes, etc., which generate funds from other organizations. We use funds for
community events that are free to families.
* Decreasing our fundraising (so that we do not compete with the school’s efforts for OneFund) means we will not have extra funds for an
end-of-year gift for the school.
* This makes teacher appreciation week a challenge. This is our second most costly event. With fewer fundraisers, we have limited funds
Secretary of State: Hadar provided Roxie with the Secretary of State renewal. Korrin noted she had provided an email and the Secretary
of State bi-annual renewal for the DBA to Roxie earlier that week.
Check and Receipts: Hadar inquired about how we handle receipts. Brief discussion on past procedures and where to find the
reimbursement form on the google drive.
Spirit Wear: Discussed during general meeting. No additional board discussion needed.
Staff Luncheon: Discussed during general meeting. No additional board discussion needed.
New Idea - SCS Staff Cookbook: Hadar suggested an SCS staff cookbook for Teacher Appreciation week. We would have each teacher/staff
provide a recipe and then create an SCS Cookbook. We would provide teachers/staff with a hardcopy of the book, and make digital copies
available to families to show our appreciation to them. In addition, each class could have up to four recipes from students and their families,
to add as a special insert for just their cookbook.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.
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