Board Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2024

Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jen Kallam (co-chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Korrin Fyall (co-secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer), Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)

Hadar called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.

Approval of minutes from 3/6/24: Hadar motioned to approve minutes. Kimberly seconded. Minutes approved. 


School garden: Ms. Raboli is no longer giving approval for the school garden. In last SCS Board meeting, Ms. Raboli said she wants a new play structure and may put it where we plan to put the garden. She also said this site (Sherwood Friends Church) isn’t our permanent home, so we should not put in a garden. Korrin would like to present the plan for the garden at a SCS Board meeting before the end of the year.

The SCS Board asked if PAC can cover the library fee (which PAC has asked SCS to cover) if we don’t sponsor a garden. However, the PAC spring fundraiser (Al’s Garden baskets) is specifically promoted as raising funds for the garden.

Hadar & garden committee reps will meet with Ms. Raboli & Angela on 4/9/24 to discuss garden.

Library: Much of the read-a-thon income comes from Shannon Moorman’s family. Her family, and a handful of other families, are the only ones donating at this time, and will soon age out of SCS.

Distributing PAC materials to students: Out of respect for the office, have 2 weeks’ notice to office of our intent.

Open positions for PAC: need to post next month

School Board Meeting rep: Jen Kallam (April 17)

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.
