General Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2024
Board members in attendance: Hadar Ferris (chair), Jen Kallam (co-chair), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Heather Vergason (treasurer), Roxie Anderson (co-treasurer)
Parents in attendance: Kryste Sturm
Hadar called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
Approval of minutes from 3/6/24: Hadar motioned to approve minutes. Heather seconded. Minutes approved.
Ms. Raboli not able to attend.
Chase account: $15,831.88
BottleDrop: $595.16
PayPal: $1,899.39
Pledgestar: Payment due by 4/11. $95.91. Invoice in PAC email.
Aim Insurance: Renewal notice in PAC email. Allocated for $400; invoice for $370.
Al’s Spring Baskets update: 20 orders so far. Two families made additional donations toward the garden. Planning to display baskets during carline. Question of where to pick up vouchers: Hopefully office will be willing to give them out.
Teacher/staff luncheon updates: Apr 5 – Charisse Rochio.
K/1st in May: Korrin Fyall, Kryste Sturm, Jen Kallam coordinating.
Teacher Appreciation: Jen Crosby coordinating. Will the office permit PAC to honor teachers with “stepping stones” ceremonies each day of Teacher Appreciation Week?
Dining Night Out: 4/16 – Panera Bread (Sherwood), 4-8pm
Harvest Festival: Committee needed. Kryste Sturm, Roxie Anderson, Korrin Fyall tentatively available to help with committee.
Volunteers needed: The office has requested that PAC move tables for Celebration of Learning. Students cannot be involved because of liability. PAC’s ability to motivate volunteers is minimal, without help from office in promoting the need. We will let the office know we are happy to mention this need in our newsletter, and direct potential volunteers to contact the office. But we cannot carry the responsibility for the tables.
Library software: SCS Board wants to see PAC budget before considering helping pay for library software. SCS Office no longer promotes PAC fundraisers, which pay for the library. Our ability to fundraise continues to decrease. Korrin has evaluated library fundraisers from 2019 to current year, which shows a marked decrease in library funds raised.
April 5: Staff/Teacher Luncheon
April 12: Spring Basket orders due
April 16: Dining Night Out: Panera Bread
April 21-27: Volunteer Appreciation Week
May 1: PAC General Meeting
May 3: Staff/Teacher Luncheon
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.
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