Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee
PAC Meeting – November 4, 2021
Location: Sherwood Charter School
23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140
Board Members in attendance: Korrin Fyall (secretary), Tamara Potruch (chair), Roxi Anderson (Treasurer), Ashley Weston (co-secretary),
Coordinators in attendance: Tara Garcia (Fundraising Coordinator) , Lambie Swenson (Spirit Wear Coordinator)
Parents in attendance: 2
Staff in attendance: Joy Raboli
Welcome and Introductions of the board members and coordinators in attendance.
Tamara read PAC mission and HEART.
Roxie Anderson motions to approve October 7, 2021 minutes and Ashley Weston seconds. Motion passes approving the minutes.
Principal’s Corner
Mrs. Raboli has no specific update other than it has been great being back in the classroom and getting a more normal routine. She also noted that carline is going much better and that we finally have good momentum. She opened it up to parent questions.
Tamara asked in regards to kids safety and the lunch tent outside with the strong winds?
Per Mrs. Raboli the tent company has it weighted down per code. She personally has been out there during the high winds and the tent felt very stable. She noted that the noise was a lot less once fully inside the tent verses in the entryway. They have also strung up patio lights inside and she is hoping to get some colored ones soon.
Korrin inquired about when we will know if outdoor school is going to happen?
Per Mrs. Raboli they are going to go as late as possible in the spring. She is hoping with the approval of the vaccine for school age children they will be able to go this year. It will be for a shorter amount of time so that both 5th and 6th grade can go since the 6th graders were unable to go last year. If we are not allowed to go this year then the next year it will be 5th, 6th and 7th. No kid is going to miss out if possible. The 5th grade teacher Ms. Bradley and the Leadership Academy will be reaching out to parents with more information as it becomes available.
Tamara and Ashley asked about volunteering, there are some districts that are opening up volunteering. Is there any word for the Sherwood School District? What would it take for our school to be allowed to have volunteers?
Per Mrs. Raboli as of right now she has no information on when volunteering will be allowed. That in order for this to occur the state will need to change their restrictions. She noted that they are interviewing to add an additional aid to help. Also the Board members have been volunteering as they are considered part of the school and can be present on campus. They have been having a very hard time getting substitute teachers and ask daily for one to help Mrs. DuPriest who has broken her ankle and is unable to provide additional monitoring assistance.
In addition Mrs. Raboli suspects that the school districts in Oregon allowed to have volunteers must have a special exemption. She is going to look further into this as she really wants to bring back parent volunteering.
Tiffany Kelly asked why Choir is not being offered for the second trimester for Leadership Academy?
Mrs. Raboli noted that Choir is difficult to meet the COVID-19 restrictions and Mrs. DuPriest’s injury and being unable to find a substitute teacher are the current reasons.
Teacher Liaison Report
Nora Stuckey was unable to attend the meeting.
Treasurer Report
Roxie provided the treasurer report. The checking account has $14,097 and of this amount $3,544 is reserved for library funds.
Roxie noted we have some issues with the bank. They have requested that we redraft the minutes to clarify in those minutes the following:
Jen Crosby as President/Chair ends June 30th, 2021 and Tamara Potruch as President/Chair begins July 1, 2021.
Justin Seamans as Treasurer ends June 30th, 2021 and Roxie Anderson as Treasurer begins July 1, 2021.
Roxie moves that we amend the May 6th, 2021 meeting minutes to clarify the terms of President and Treasure end on June 30th, 2021 and then to reflect the new positions begin on July 1, 2021. Korrin Fyall Seconds. Motion passes.
In addition our QuickBooks pricing that was budgeted was for an introductory rate that has now ended. We were unaware that the rate would not continue for the whole year and now the rate will double the cost. Roxie inquired with our CPA and was told about TechSoup which supports Non-Profits getting technology at affordable rates. They are able to get us QuickBooks online for $75 a year and an upgrade on the services available with QuickBooks. Roxie is not certain if this is a one time price or if we can apply for this each year. She will let us know what she finds out for 2022-2023 budget planning.
Scholastic Book Fair
We earned over $1,000, which earns us 25% in Scholastic Dollars, approximately $250. That is more than double then what we did with our prior year. It was noted by a few parents that Scholastic is having delays on shipping.
Dining Night Out
Panera raised $141 and we decided to skip one for November. Our next Dining Out will be on December 15th at Chipotle from 4pm - 8pm, the Sherwood location.
Wreath orders have now closed and Tara will be submitting the order Monday, November 7th to Farmington Gardens. Tara will get the money to Roxie for deposit and Roxie will cut the check for payment on November 20th at pick up. Tara is working to contact all those who order a cross wreath that Farmington Gardens has informed us that they will be unable to provide this for us this year due to not being able to get in the supplies needed to create in time to fulfil our order.
Pumpkin carving Contest Winners
The pumpkin carving contest was successful with over 40 pumpkin entries. The classroom winners who were voted on by the PAC Board will be getting their Scholastic book next week and the overall winner selected by Mrs. Raboli gets a $20 mudpuddles gift certificate.
Wilson Ortho Candy Buy Back
Last day to drop off is Wednesday, November 10th. We earn $1 per pound and if we reach 50 pounds we earn a bonus. Lots of candy has come in so far per Tamara and it looks like we should have no problem meeting the bonus.
Teacher/Staff Luncheon
Ashley Weston coordinated the teacher/staff luncheon for the Leadership Academy. She notes for the future parent coordinator that Venmo was how Ashley collected 90% of the funds donated. She had about 30 families contribute which totaled $700. This allowed her to give each teacher a $20 Fat Milos gift certificate, $10 Subway gift certificate and $6 Hungry Hero Bakery gift certificate. She dropped off the little celebration bags at the office and Mrs. Raboli will hand it out tomorrow during the staff meeting. Mrs. Raboli added that the packages are super cute and the staff will be so excited.
Additional details for future parents are that Mrs. Petetka sent out Ashley’s letter to the Leadership Academy parents asking parents to contribute a suggested donation of $10 per family to cover the luncheon.
Korrin asked how we are breaking up the rest of the year's luncheons. Tamara noted that they are on the PAC calendar but they are as follows:
January 7th with 4th & 5th parents hosting
March 4th with 2nd & 3rd parents hosting
May 6th with 1st & Kinder parents hosting
Tamara noted we are still looking for parents to coordinate for these luncheon dates.
New Business
Bottle and Can Drive/Candy Drive
All day on November 5th at 22428 SW Marshall St. Sherwood. Tamara updated the post noting bottles and cans do not need to be in blue bags to drop off. The drop off is at Roxie’s home. Roxie will keep the back of her van open in her driveway to accept the bottles and cans. This will be a big drop off for us so we can take advantage of the Bottle Drop holiday promotion running from November 15th through December 1st where they will donate an extra 20% to non-profits. We are also having a bottle and can drive with the Wreath pick up on November 20th. We have a scheduled date for a large drop off to Bottle Drop for the Monday following the 20th event.
Mud Puddles Shopping for Your School
Pending dates are November 14-20th. We are still waiting to hear from them to see if this is still available this year.
Spirit Wear
Lambie is our coordinator this year and she notes that we have eleven items from the previous year. Per her conversations with the vendor pink is really hard to find and the pinks they included as a possibility were more neon. She is still looking but has been unable to find a pink that the school will approve. The kids' polos were $18 and the adult polos were less. She plans to inquire with the vendor on why this is the case. She is moving forward on the eight grade sweat shirt and they are $28 right now and add another $1 for PayPal fee. The sweat shirt has all the kids' signatures on it and it is an extra five dollars to personalize by adding the kids name to the back. Lambie has already reached out to Mrs. Peterka about 8th grade sweatshirts. Lambie will add to her email out to parents that she is looking for a parent volunteer to coordinate the 8th grade sweatshirt design signatures and purchase.
Roxie noted that last year not all the kids could afford the sweatshirts so she and Krista helped by donating funds to fill in the gap. Mrs. Raboli noted that the school will help out if the PAC is unable in order to make sure no eight grader is left out.
Tiffany added that maybe a windbreaker option and Korrin agreed. Tamara suggested for the next meeting to have Lambie come up with a few new items to vote on. Right now the vendor is quoting hooded sweatshirts at $22 and Full Zip Sweatshirts at $26.
Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB)
There has been interest in the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) for this school year. A parent, Emily Godwin, started the conversation on Facebook. Tamara says we are interested and asked Emily if she would like to look into further and consider being the coordinator. Tamara notes that the registration has been extended to November 15th. All around the PAC board members and parents in attendance were wanting to move forward with this. Tamara also noted that the Sherwood Public Library has a special section that has all the OBOB books by grade levels available for check out. The OBOB does a great job of having the kids reach beyond the genre they normally read.
There is a registration fee of $80. Jen Crosby who is the Library Coordinator has wanted to do the OBOB in the past. She has mentioned using library funds to cover the fee and to purchase OBOB books for the schools library. Tamara will get approval from Jen about covering the fee and discuss further with her about possible book purchases for the library.
Tamara says we are still getting all the specifics, but per her understanding there is no more than four per team. The OBOB has one coach (contact person) per school. It is helpful to also have a parent volunteer for each team. This is a great way for parents to volunteer for a smaller role. If interested, contact the PAC.
Puzzle Winter Event
An idea for a PAC event this winter is a puzzle event over the winter break. The PAC would send a backpack flyer with a coupon for the kids to cut out and return if they and their family want to participate. Still working out all the logistics of how to get puzzles to each family that joins the event and the cost. We have to consider categorizing by level/skill. Tamara notes that apparently there is a Sherwood jigsaw competition put on every year by the Sherwood Center of Arts. Also there is a world organization.
Tiffany inquired about a way to exchange puzzles once the child/family are done. Possibly using Facebook to post for trades. Not certain if this will be able to be accomplished if the winter weather is bad.
Open Discussion
The puzzle discussion brought up an additional idea of creating a book/puzzle trade box at the school for the kids to pass used items to other kids at the school.
Campus Clean-Up Thursdays, 4:00pm
Bottle/Can & Candy Drive Friday, November 5, all day
Wilson Orthodontics Candy Buy-Back Wednesday, November 10
Wreath Pick Up Saturday, November 20, 10-12pm
Dining Night Out - Chipotle December 15th, 4-8pm
Next PAC General Meeting on (date and time) - January 6th, 2022 at 6:30pm via Zoom
* No December PAC General Meeting
Tamara adjourned this meeting at 7:35pm.
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