PAC General Meeting Minutes 12.1.2022

Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Korrin Fyall (co-chair), Roxie Anderson (treasurer), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary)

Parents in attendance: none

Staff in attendance: none

Tamara called meeting to order at 6:40pm.

Approval of minutes from 11/03/22: Roxie motioned to approve; seconded by Dan; minutes approved.

Staff unable to attend; no updates.

Re: Scheduling events around cleaning times [Tamara]: Property usage of campus schedule & times needs to be given to SCS office. Office gives it to the cleaning crew.

Treasurer report [Roxie]:
Current accounts --
     Paypal: $68.12
     BottleDrop: $500.60
     Chase: $17,844.80
Surplus in budget of $1300.00


Old Business updates –

Total wreath profit: $2,546. This is $246 over projected profit.

Teacher luncheon – 4th grade hosting on 1/6/22.

Spirit sales  8th grade sweatshirts done. Total cost $450.  For all of Spirit Wear, in the red $18.

PAC lunch program – Sadie Petersen lined up Fat Milo’s, beginning 12/8/22. Kimberly will check with Sadie about who will be present when food is delivered & distributed.

Dining Night Out @ Old Spaghetti Factory: raised $57.60

Wilson Candy Buy Back: $100 bonus + 57 pounds. Total $157.


New Business/Announcements –

OBOB: Form deadline extended to 12/5/22.

Library: New software working well. Library up & running. Chrome book storage not yet purchased.

Teacher “likes” list for gift ideas: Posted on PAC Facebook page.

Winter festival update (Korrin) -
* Need more volunteers
* decorations: balloons with LED lights; tablecloths, candles, snowflakes
* food: Hot chocolate, bottles of water, Costco muffins/cookies [GF/DF options for drinks/foods]
* Costco run: Tamara
* crafts: snowflake & snowmen kits
* snowball fight
* caroling
* photo booth
* Korrin: request to office that lunch tables be stored in narthex after lunch; ask Mrs. Stuckey where to store PE equipment

Dining Night Out: None in December. Chipotle is January 14.

Next General PAC meeting: January 5.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.

