Parent Advisory Committee

General Meeting Minutes 

January 5, 2023 


Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Korrin Fyall (co-chair), Roxie Anderson  (treasurer), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Ashley Weston (co-secretary)

Parents in attendance: Jen Crosby 

Staff in attendance: Nora Stuckey 

Tamara called meeting to order at 6:32 pm.  

Approval of minutes from 12/01/22: Ashley motioned to approve these minutes, seconded by Dan 

Updates from Ms. Raboli: Mrs. Raboli was unable to attend 

Updates from Mrs. Stuckey: No updates from Mrs. Stuckey 

Treasurer report [Roxie]: 

Current accounts -- 

 Paypal: $205.81 

 BottleDrop: $ 584.58 

 Chase: $ 17,397.45 

Destiny Software invoice update—The invoiced amount for the library software was more than was  budgeted. Tamara requested voting to change this line item in the budget from $800 to $975, taking  $175 out of the library general fund to do so. Roxie made a motion to change the library software line  item to $975, with Dan seconding. All present voted in favor of this change. 

Bottle drop processing fees have changed from about 40 cents per bag to about 55-60 cents per bag.  Quick Books shows that we are current on our bill at this time.  

Old Business updates –  

Winter family event update: It was decided to postpone the event until next year. Items previously  bought for the event, other than the snowballs, were returned. Snowballs will be kept future events.  

Teacher luncheon: 4ht grade hosting on 1/6/22. A meal from Panera bread will be provided. We still need  a coordinator for 3rd grade next month. 

PAC lunch program: Fat Milo’s canceled their program. No further updates at this time.  

New Business/Announcements – 

SCS Family Sock Hop: February 16th, Jen reported that it will be a 50’s theme. She is hoping to possibly  bring in an instructor to assist Mrs. Stuckey in learning sock hop style dances during PE. She is planning  for a soda fountain/diner area, dance floor, and photo booth. The dance time will likely be 5pm-7pm.  We will begin publicizing in the Thursday email and social media 

OBOB: The SCS library website has resources available for OBOB participants 


DNO: Chipotle on Saturday, January 14, 4-8pm

Board appreciation: Tamara will keep us updated on the plan for this year. 

See’s Candy fundraiser: This has been successful in the past, all online now so its should be pretty  simple, still need a coordinator. 

Upcoming events – 

DNO: 1/14 - Chipotle 

Next PAC General Meeting: 2/2  

School Board Meeting: 1/18 - Dan PAC Rep.  

Read-a-thon: 2/23 - 3/3 

Book Fair: 3/13-16 

Tamara adjourned the meeting at 7:13 pm. 

