Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee
PAC Meeting – March 3, 2022
Location: Zoom
Board Members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Roxie Anderson (treasurer), Jen Crosby (co-chair), Ashley Weston (co-secretary), Daniel Standke (co-treasurer), Korrin Fyall (secretary)
Parents in attendance: 3
Staff in attendance: 0
CALL TO ORDER- 6:31pm by Tamara Potruch
Tamara read PAC mission and HEART skills.
Jen Crosby makes a motion to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2022 meeting, and Roxie Anderson seconds. Motion passes approving the minutes.
Principal’s Corner
Mrs. Raboli was unable to attend.
Teacher Liaison Report
Mrs. Stuckey was unable to attend.
Treasurer’s Report
Chase Bank Account $16,346
Amazon Check from Amazon Smile Program - $62
Bottle Drive Account Balance $73
PayPal Account Balance roughly $1,000
Insurance Renewal cost $370 which is the same it has been for a few years.
Bottle Drop - They are doing another give event starting April 11th and we can earn an additional bonus on all our deposits. Roxie is going to hold the cans she has to deposit when we can be eligible for the additional bonus. Will hold another bottle drive at the end of March or first part of April. Roxie is also going to get a few professional lawn signs to advertise the bottle drop. She is planning to run a poll on Facebook to see if families like doing the bottle drop off-site during and after carline or would prefer Friday at the school parking lot. It was noted that the end of March is spring break so we will shoot for the bottle drive on Monday, April 11th.
Paying fees - Paypal and the Pledge Star offer the option to pay the fee. For Pledge Star it is 7% and for Paypal 2.2%.
Read-a-Thon Update
Only on day two and we have $611 to Paypal and $25 pledge in checks for a total of $636. The highest class as of now is kindergarten. Seems to be going especially well even with the library not open this year and COVID.
Thank you goes out to our volunteers for dressing up and helping advertise during carline on Wednesday.
Jen is concerned that the teachers are not telling the kids about the read-a-thon and the kids appear to not know, but the carline helped to let kids and families know about the event.
Spirit Wear
The orders are now complete and are being picked up this week. They are going to be delivered to the office on Monday, March 7th. After this is completed we will review the inventory we have on hand. We already know we will have a lot of adult sizes.
Tamara suggested setting a certain dollar amount to set aside for a scholarship for the 8th grade sweatshirt for those families that cannot afford. Tamara wants to see this written into the budget and we would use surplus funds to fund the scholarship. Jen pointed out that we have already used the surplus for 8th grade sweatshirts to go towards the 8th grade graduation. Korrin suggested that next year we put a donation box on the order form so that families can contribute to the scholarship. Roxie updated us that the surplus for the 8th grade sweatshirts this year was $415. The surplus was greater than expected because orders were higher and we were able to take advantage of volume discounts. Instead of voting now Roxie is going in the 2022-2023 budget a line item 8th Grade Sweatshirt Scholarship for $400.
See’s Candy
The online store is up and running. We will wait until after the Read-a-Thon to start promoting. Will just do soft promotion because of the large volume of fundraisers occurring between the PAC and SCS.
The competitions are starting in March. Parents said their kids have been excited and this next Friday is the first time they have been able to meet up in person. The competition between SCS teams to determine who goes to regionals is Friday, March 11th.
The school audition is up and running. We should be on the lookout for the SignUpGenius coming soon to our emails. Going to be seeing more about this next week. The auction will be a virtual silent online auction.
DNO - Dining Night Out
No DNO for March but we are looking to have them in April and May. Looking into the Old Spaghetti Factory and Tamara is hoping possibly McDonalds. Tamara has seen a lot of other schools have a good turn out for McDonalds.
Teachers Luncheons
Pauline is coordinating the 2nd and 3rd grades teacher luncheon which will be held in the month of April. They are still following COVID guidelines so gift cards at this time, but with the changes we might be able to have a meal delivered in April. Ashley noted that there are food allergies to keep in mind with the teachers. It is best to pick restaurants that have allergy free options. Ashley, when she coordinated, tried to pull for Sherwood local businesses. In addition she took the funds she received and divided it by 21 to determine how much each gift card could be. This can be hard since some luncheons have had lower contributions than others. But we just need to remember that the staff and teachers are so grateful for anything whether big or small. Pauline inquired about dressing up the gift cards and Ashley discussed what she did for the last luncheon. We noted that Pauline will need to get out additional reminders for parents. Tamara suggested the week of March 14th and a second request on March 29th right after returning from spring break.
Teacher Appreciation Planning
Tamara asked Jen to reach out to Jamie to see if she is still willing to take the lead on the teacher appreciation week. There are a couple of support families that signed up as well that Tamara will reach out to. Tamara inquired with Roxie about the budget for teacher appreciation week. The budget elected was $1,180 and $1,020 is available after being adjusted for our monthly appreciation. Jen noted that we talked about the classes participating for donations for a gift basket. Jen was wondering if that would just be too much for families and Tamara and the other PAC members agreed. In the past the PAC had a coordinator and some volunteers who took care of the whole appreciation. Jen suggested upping the amount again in order to cover this cost. Last year every full staff and part-time safety received gifts with part-time staff having a slightly reduced gift amount. In addition there is a district employee that gets a small gift as well, last year was a $25 gift card. Due to the higher number of staff this year it was agreed it would cost more.
Tamara will inquire with the school about the teachers wishlists. We want to give something that helps the teachers and shows our appreciation. In addition we have to be thinking about saving some of our funds for the end of the year gift to the school.
End of Year Gift to SCS: Other PTOs have given cash to help with bonuses for teachers, but it was noted that in most past years we did not have enough money to spread to each class in that way. We usually pick something the whole school can benefit from like the cameras for the security system.
Community Activities/Event for the Spring
Tamara notes that we still need ideas for our community activities.
Jen noted that since everything is beginning to open up and the mask mandate is to be lifted, we will need to see how this changes our possibilities. In addition, asking the school about volunteers and if the library will open this year.
DNO - Dining Night Out None for March
Read-a-Thon March 2nd-14th
See’s Candy Fundraiser March 14th-25th
PAC Meeting April 7th, 6:30pm
Next PAC General Meeting on April 7th at 6:30pm on Zoom.
Tamara adjourned this meeting at 7:40pm.
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