Sherwood Charter School Parent Advisory Committee 

Board/Committee Meeting

PAC Meeting – March 17, 2022


Location: Sherwood Charter School 

23264 SW Main Street, Sherwood, OR 97140

Board Members in attendance: Korrin Fyall (secretary), Tamara Potruch (chair), Roxie Anderson (Treasurer), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Jen Crosby (co-chair), Ashley Weston (co-secretary), 

Coordinators in attendance: 0

Parents in attendance: n/a

Staff in attendance: n/a

CALL TO ORDER- 6:34pm by Tamara Potruch

Daniel Standke motions to approve the February 17, 2022 Board/Committee Meeting minutes and Jen Crosby seconds. Motion passes approving the minutes.

Read-a-Thon Update/Dollars Raised

Jen Crosby provided Read-a-Thon Update: The last update was around $2,423 per Friday but more have been coming in.  Only about 23 reading logs and we usually get about 100.  Jen heard that the middle school students did not think they were participating.  Without the library being open it makes it hard to promote.  Jen really wants this to be more of a reading event than a fundraiser.  Everyone agreed that not having the library open really made the reading portion difficult.

The funds raised are enough to support one year of the library.  Feel very relieved to know the library is covered for next school year.  Jen noted that the reading logs can still be turned in.  They can be emailed by taking a picture of the log or scanning it.

Jen is wondering since the mask mandate was lifted does that mean the space restrictions were lifted as well.  Right now the library’s space is half what we had previous to COVID to help the music room have the correct distance requirements.  Jen is not certain what it will look like next year were the library will be at the school.

Tamara suggested combining the question about the book fair at the school and how the library will look next year when talking with Ms. Raboli.

See’s Candy Update

The coordinator has six orders so far.  Roxie notest that we budgeted for $300 and so far have raised half at $155.35.  We are not pushing this too much since both the school has been heavily promoting their own fundraisers, the Auction and OnFund.

Spirit Wear Update: Inventory/Staff Sale 

Most of what is in inventory are adult sizes.  Tamara is suggesting we offer to staff for half price for the inventory.  The board agrees since this is sunk costs and we need to get the inventory gone.

Teachers Appreciation Week 

Jen Crosby provided an update: The coordinator Jamie has been very busy and Jen has only had a brief meeting.  Jen is afraid it is a bit overwhelming the amount of work to be done.  After spring break Jen plans to sit down and make a plan with Jamie.  Tamara has only heard back from Pauline from the list of additional volunteers and after spring break will try to reconnect again.

Tamara asked now that everyone has had a chance to review the revised budget should we vote to up the budget for teacher appreciation.  Jen notes this is needed with the large staff increase this year.

Per Jen: Last year $60 for each full-time teacher in gift cards and $30 for part-time and $25 for a district employee.  Last year we went over because there was a staff member we did not account for for budgeting.  

Currently the school has 13 faculty and 8 staff listed on their website.  If we reduce the amount to $50 for each then the total will be $1,050.  Jen thinks that this is not updated and that there is more like 25 faculty and staff in total.

In addition to the gift cards there is usually a theme a day for example last year was a special apple treat, lunch for the staff and balloon and flowers.  Jen thinks and the board agrees that keeping the appreciation going through the whole week is more important than the end of the week gift baskets.  Thinking is to make the gift baskets smaller but the daily items a little bigger.  Currently we have $1,080 in the budget and the suggestion is to increase by $420 to $1,500.

Tamara suggests we will come up with a few scenarios to have approved at the next public meeting on April 7th.

In Person Events: Book Fair, Science Fair and End of Year Picnic

Tamara is going to wait until after spring break to approach the staff about in person events.  She looked into a Science Fair one that OMSI would set up and run for $540.  It has 10 to 12 science tables.  We could event create a few STEAM project tables to add in addition to what OMSI sets up.  The issue is that asking for this might be a big burden for the school.  Tamara is thinking that we will need to table this for next year because approaching them for a number of in-person events will probably not be feasible for the school.  We want to focus on getting the book fair at least on campus and in person.

Korrin suggested that we try to create more community events out in the community.  For example she has seen schools offer discount nights out to Timber games.  Roxie also noted that the Boy Scouts get discounted tickets to the Blazers.  A number of ideas were mentioned from Bullwinkles, Aviation Museum and Langers.

Treasurer Report

Roxie updates 

Chase - $15,976.76 after insurance check has cleared

Paypal - $3,011.52

Bottle Drop - $84.20 plus all the bags of bottles in Roxie’s garage yet to be counted

Future Events

April 11th will be the next one in order to take advantage of the bonus.

April 9th is the School Spring Clean up Projects.  All the bark chips need to be removed by the school families.  Getting the grass prepped and reseeded. 


See’s Candy Fundraiser March 1-25th

PAC Meeting Thursday, April 7th, 6:30pm

School Spring Clean Up Projects Saturday, April 9th, 9:30am-12:00pm 

Bottle and Can Drive-Drop Off Monday, April 11th, 3:30-4:30pm

DNO: Spaghetti Factory (Take Out Only) April 10th-12th

Next PAC General Meeting - April 7th at 6:30pm via Zoom

Next PAC Board/Committee Meeting - April 21st at 6:30pm via Zoom

Tamara adjourned this meeting at 7:30pm.

