PAC General Meeting 10.6.2022


Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Korrin Fyall (co-chair), Roxie Anderson (treasurer), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Ashley Weston (co-secretary)

Parents in attendance: Justin Seamens, Lambi Swenson, Hadar Ferris, Kalli Keddie, Emily Godwin

Staff in attendance: Nora Stuckey, Joy Raboli

Tamara called meeting to order at 6:34pm. Board members introduced themselves; Korrin read the PAC mission and SCS HEART skills.

Principal’s corner (Joy Raboli): Expressed desire for parents to be on campus and involved in volunteering: field trips, helping in classes, library (run 100% by parents), special projects, safety committee, Harvest Carnival (10/27), auction.

Reviewed necessary steps to volunteer.

Auction: online & in-person this year (silent & live).

Wilsonville Subaru presenting $500 to SCS.

Classroom partners: Business can sponsor a classroom for $500. In return, business is mentioned in newsletter & on website.

Matching funds: When parents give donations through a business for a donation match, parents can follow up with SCS to see if the donation from the school came in.

Staff/PAC liaison report (Nora Stuckey, PE teacher): Nora’s role is to help communication between teachers & PAC, such as gathering wish lists from teachers.

Question (Justin Seamens): Is it appropriate to give teachers thank-you gifts?
Tamara: There is a school district limit, but it is allowed.
Parent: Sherwood School District limit: $25 cash; does not apply to gift cards

Treasury report (Roxie): Last year was good financially.
Current accounts --
    Paypal: $300.90
    BottleDrop: $101.70
    Chase: $15,892.64
Surplus in budget of $1300
Tamara - Proposed budget change:
    Increase budget to $500 for months of Dec, Feb, June (cover 3 family events) – Increase comes from surplus
    Budget change approved
    Non-profit paperwork for taxes in process.
Tamara – Reported on PAC gifts to school last school year. School has proposed that gift monies accumulate year-to-year until enough is saved for playground equipment.

Teacher/Staff Luncheon – 2 options: potluck or catered. $347 from leadership academy parents for Greek luncheon on 10/7/22.
Question from Korrin: How are food allergies handled? A: We have a list of allergies we refer to, to make sure everyone is covered.
Question from Korrin: Paper plates, etc? A: Still a lot in stock.

Dining night out: Only earned $58 from Joe’s Burger, but the restaurant contributed $75.
Next opportunity: all day on Sunday, 10/23 @ Mod Pizza. Before paying, you must alert cashier that the sale is to benefit SCS.

Spirit Wear (Lambi) – 

  • Supply chain issue; no polos available now

  • 8th grade sweatshirt logo changed; working on approval

  • Korrin: are proceeds from 8th grade sweatshirts used for graduation? Tamara: Proceeds will go to scholarship for sweatshirts, for those who cannot afford them.

Wreath sales (Tamara) – Biggest fundraiser for PAC. Fliers in backpacks today. Due date: Tuesday, Nov 1. Tamara needs final number by Nov 3. Delivery date is Nov. 19; Tamara will not be here. A team organizes, but we need a point person.

Book fair (Tamara) – Oct 10-13 -- Students can walk through book fair during lunch IF they have money. Also open after school.
  Need more parent volunteers.
  Entrance for fair is through gym door. Uniform Closet open during book fair, at the book fair. Children are not supervised at book fair, except for one parent volunteer available to help. Can download an ewallet—electronic gift card—but child must alert cashier that s/he has an ewallet.

Bottle drop (Tamara) – Blue bags available at bottle drop and in plastic tote outside of office.

Wilson buy-back program -- $1/pound. If we reach 50 pounds, it $100 addition. Last day for collecting candy: Nov. 10.

Jack-o-lantern contest – 3 categories: K-2, 3-5, 6-8. Winner from each category receives $20 gift card. Ms. Raboli choosing winners; a teacher as backup. [11/3/22 update: winners chosen by vote at PAC General Meeting]

PAC lunch program – Sadie coordinating. Ashley Weston has sent information to Sadie.

PAC volunteers needed --
  OBOB (?) – Book tournament; last year was SCS first time participating. Need a coordinator. Registration closes Oct 31 for schools to sign up, so need a coordinator soon. Teams can form after 10/31. State competition is April; regional is March. Schoolwide competitions prior to March.
  Winter Family Festival – 12/8 – New request from school; need a coordinator. Ideas: hot cocoa, snowball fight. In gym.

Teacher/Staff luncheon: Coordinators found.

School garden – Question raised by Hadar re: having a garden at the school. Church has ownership of garden & greenhouse. Tamara will look ask her church contact about this.

Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.
