PAC General Meeting 11.03.2022
Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Korrin Fyall (co-chair), Roxie Anderson (treasurer), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Ashley Weston (co-secretary)
Parents in attendance: Lambi Swenson, Brandy & Wes Crockett, Jennifer & Kenneth Kellam, Shannon Moorman
Staff in attendance: Joy Raboli, Nora Stuckey
Tamara called meeting to order at 6:36pm. Board members introduced themselves; Dan Standke read the PAC mission and SCS HEART skills.
Approval of minutes from 10/06/22: Change “Joy Raboli will choose the winner of the pumpkin carving contest” to “parents will vote on pumpkin carving winners.” Minutes approved pending this change.
Principal’s corner (Joy Raboli): Fun Fall Festival event. Joy opened the floor to questions.
Korrin: How many people came to Fall Festival – in order to plan for Christmas Festival?
Joy: Unknown number; but in terms of fundraising, it was the second-highest amount ever raised at an event (approx. $2000). However, we had to make all of the games (which can be used in years to come), so likely we did not make money on the event this year.
Tamara: How does the school district budget struggle affect us?
Joy: The district has a budgeting error where they miscounted the enrollment. But we do not operate on the district budget; this mistake does not affect us. We are the healthiest, financially, that we have ever been.
Ashley: What is our enrollment?
Joy: Our enrollment is 215. We can go as high as 225. We have more kindergarten applications for next year than we have ever had at this point of enrollment.
Staff/PAC liaison report (Nora Stuckey, PE teacher): The Mediterranean staff/teacher lunch was AMAZING.
Treasury report (Roxie):
Current accounts --
Paypal: $1,811.70
BottleDrop: $123.90
Chase: $17,045.68
Surplus in budget of $1300
Budget changes –
* At the end of last year, we had $200 left over after buying items from school’s wish list (chromebook cart, benches in office). Not enough for Chromebook storage unit for library. The library opens next week; they still have this need. Proposing to give the $200 left over to the library; they will use their funds to cover the rest of the cost. Motion passed.
* Motion to remove the word “Zoom” from the “financial software/Zoom” budget line. PAC meetings last year were on Zoom, but are not this year. Money in this allocation will simply be “financial software.” Motion passed.
Old Business updates:
Book fair – $3,872 – biggest book fair we’ve had. This earned the school $2,786 in scholastic dollars, to use for library and for teachers. We were able to purchase all of the teachers’ wish lists at the book fair.
Teacher luncheon – 5th grade hosting a soup & salad bar. Hosting on 11/4/22.
January: 4th grade is hosting.
Spirit Wear (Lambi) –
* Ready to be delivered to classes on Monday
* 8th grade sweatshirt: orders are low; giving it a couple more days
* total order is $1200; $143 of this goes to the school
Question from Korrin: Daughter loves the House shirts. Can spirit wear include shirts for houses?
Answer from Joy: Yes; we will move toward doing that in the future
PAC lunch program – Still in the works. The challenge, post-Covid, is finding restaurants that will deliver for free (or at all).
Dining Night Out @ MOD: raised $91.42
New Business/Announcements:
Wreath sales – Sales closed. Pickup: November 19. Sales = approx. $5000 (rough estimate).
Winter festival update (Korrin) -
* series of crafts that are winter-themed
* games/activities
* middle school choir do some caroling or lead a sing-along?
* vouchers for kids to get food, to insure that everyone gets something (rather than a few kids eating all the donuts, etc).
* decorations: maybe Christmas lights (challenging to hang); perhaps table decorations
* photo booth
* Tamara will ask if church plans to have a worship practice on the night of the festival
* setup: 4pm
* Tamara will ask if church lobby/narthex can be used that evening
* Nora: has a projector that could be used for words of songs – if singing in gym
Candy Buy-back: Wilson Ortho gives $1/pound; over 50 lbs, Wilson will give an extra $100 to the school. “Candy monsters” in lobby for candy donations.
Next bottle drive is November 17. Our last turnout was not very good; hoping this drive will go better. This bottle drop will be at the Sherwood public parking by railroad tracks.
Library – Updating library; opens Monday.
OBOB (Shannon Moorman) - Shannon will talk with students about what OBOB is.
Roxie: Has the Destiny software been renewed? Answer: it is working (unclear whether or not the software has been renewed).
Pumpkin Carving Contest – winners will be announced next week
School grounds cleanup: Raking pine needles, etc; this Saturday. Any time 9am-12pm.
Dining Night Out:
MOD in October - $91.42.
Next: Spaghetti Factory – Nov. 16-18 – delivery or order online & pickup. (Donations will not be made to school for meals eaten in the restaurant.) Must put in school code online, in order for school to receive donation. Code: CHARTER
Parent raised question about morning car line options when late.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
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