PAC Board Meeting - 2.02.23 

Board members in attendance: Tamara Potruch (chair), Dan Standke (co-treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary), Ashley Weston (co-secretary)

Tamara called meeting to order at 7:04pm.

Approval of minutes from 11/17/22: Delayed until March meeting.


Old Business updates – 

See’s Candy: Tamara signed up SCS. Feb 27-March 23. Have QR code at book fair for parents to place See’s Candy orders.

Personal updates –

Tamara: 2/27 ankle surgery. 4 weeks off foot.
  Korrin will lead next PAC board meeting & monitor PAC email week of Tamara’s surgery.
  Kimberly will support March 3 teacher luncheon (2nd grade).

 Kimberly: foot surgery 3/24; missing April PAC general meeting. Ashley will take minutes.


Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
