PAC Board Meeting Minutes - 3.2.2023

Parent Advisory Committee
Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2023


Board members in attendance: Korrin Fyall (co-chair), Roxie Anderson (treasurer), Kimberly Felton (secretary)

Korrin called meeting to order at 7:35pm. 

Approval of minutes from 2.02.23: Delay until March.

Another community event this year?
Picnic planned for year-end.
Winter event was canceled.
Roxie needs to look at budget. Do not yet have receipts from Sock Hop or Winter event that was canceled.
Potential movie night costs: licensing movie (Sing, Sing 2?), popcorn, chips. Roxie will look into cost of licensing. Maybe include snowball fight at movie night.

PAC board for 2023-2024?
Likely that all positions will be open. So far, no one stepping up to take open positions – but needs have not been promoted to the parents. Discuss at April board meeting. Maybe have a social event to introduce parents to PAC?

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.
